The NatE Morris Fellowship   

The Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress is pleased to announce the creation of the Nate Morris Fellowship at the University of Kentucky, in recognition of Mr. Morris through the generous gift of the Morris Foundation. This gift brings the CSPC Presidential Fellows Program to the University of Kentucky for the first time ever.

This fellowship will expand the Fellows Program to include a participant from the University of Kentucky’s Gatton College of Business and Economics, where Morris serves on the Dean’s Advisory Council and is the College’s first entrepreneur-in-residence.

“We’re excited to expand our Fellows Program to include a student from the University of Kentucky. At a time when public-private partnerships are increasingly needed to solve major national challenges, a fellow studying business and economics will provide unique perspectives. We thank Nate for his leadership and generosity, as well as the example he provides as an alumnus giving back to this program,” said CSPC President & CEO, former Representative Glenn Nye.

Morris, a native of Lexington, Kentucky, is the Founder, Chairman and CEO of Rubicon. Rubicon is a technology company born in the waste and recycling industry that powers a digital marketplace, provides a suite of SaaS products for waste, recycling, and smart city solutions, and collects and analyzes data for businesses and governments worldwide. Morris is also an alumnus of the CSPC Presidential Fellows Program during his graduate studies at Princeton University.

“I am honored to bring the CSPC Presidential Fellowship to the University of Kentucky. I know this program will be a transformational experience for the students and have a positive impact on the Commonwealth,” said Morris.

The inaugural Nate Morris Fellow is Mikayla C. Mitchell. Mitchell is studying Economics and International Business, and previously was an intern in the Kentucky Legislature and the office of the Kentucky Secretary of State.

The CSPC Presidential Fellows Program was founded in 1970 to bring together future leaders and policymakers. The non-resident fellowships have been expanded over the years to span the United States, as well as international students. Fellows generally are undergraduates from leading universities and colleges, and participating institutions include Harvard, MIT, Stanford, and Princeton. Fellows participate in fall and spring semester conferences in Washington, DC, to meet with policymakers, discuss their work on historical research or current policy issues, and network with peers beginning careers in public service.



The Center for the Study of the Presidency & Congress (CSPC) is a non-profit, non-partisan think tank focused on understanding past lessons of Presidential and Congressional leadership; tackling today’s strategic policy challenges; and educating future generations of leaders.


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For more information on Rubicon, visit or follow Rubicon on TwitterLinkedInFacebook, and Instagram.


For more information on the Morris Foundation, visit