Report to the Presidential Transition Team: Recommendations for Key National Security Policy Actions
The Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress (CSPC) is pleased to share a Report for the Presidential Transition Team. As each new administration builds out their team and prepares for the initial actions the president-elect plans to take after taking the oath of office, CSPC has traditionally provided considered recommendations for actions on key policy areas the Center has studied and convened private and public sector actors around in the previous year.
These recommendations are based on the careful airing of policy ideas in bipartisan convenings of executive and legislative branch officials from current and past service, corporate actors developing the relevant technological innovations, academics and other stakeholders jointly dedicated to focusing their intellectual energies on practical ideas that would best serve the interests of the United States.
The Center has compiled this analysis and recommendations for the consideration of the transition team of President-Elect Donald Trump, as well as related congressional and agency leaders looking ahead into 2025 and beyond. The team and community of CSPC hopes that they will assist in the creation and implementation of policies in the best national security interests of our country and in the best traditions of bipartisan leadership that have formed the foundation underpinnings of the Center’s work for nearly 60 years.