On July 4, 2026, the United States of America will celebrate the 250th anniversary of its founding. This historic moment offers a chance to contemplate the remarkable trajectory of our nation. What began as an audacious endeavor to create a country rooted in an idea, “that all men are created equal” has produced one of the most powerful and influential nations in human history. That trajectory was not guaranteed. It was forged over time, preserved—sometimes in blood—and built by Americans of all stripes. The 250th anniversary serves as an occasion to reflect on and learn from our trials and tribulations while celebrating the nation’s historic achievements.
In keeping with our founding ethos of applying the lessons of history to the challenges of today, the Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress is embarking on a 2-year project to examine the roots of America’s success, highlight unsung heroes in our history, and generate excitement around the 250th anniversary. Through events, digital content, and publications, we will examine two key features of the nation’s evolution, innovation and democratic resilience, to help explain this country’s path to success over the last 250 years. Read more about the project here.
Included projects
Project is generously supported by the Richard Lounsbery Foundation. We extend our gratitude to the museums and libraries whose invaluable materials, collections, and expertise greatly contributed to the success of this research. While we have highlighted some of these organizations below, we are grateful to all the institutions whose support and dedication to preserving and sharing knowledge were instrumental in continuing this work.