Dr. Aamir Hussain

Dr. Aamir Hussain is a native of Farmington, Connecticut. He completed his Bachelor's of Arts in Government and a minor in Theology at Georgetown University. Dr. Hussain was a Presidential Fellow from 2013-2014, and researched the religious freedom implications of the contraception mandate in the Affordable Care Act. He went on to obtain an MD and Master's of Arts in Public Policy at the University of Chicago.

Dr. Hussain also completed 1 year of internal medicine residency training at Northwell Health in New York City during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, and he was awarded Resident Physician of the Year for his efforts.

He currently works as a dermatologist in the Washington, DC metro area. Dr. Hussain enjoys teaching, and has been awarded several grants to mentor students from underrepresented backgrounds in medicine. His interests are in medical education, health policy, and in the intersections between spirituality and healthcare. He has been interviewed by the New York Times, Al Jazeera, and PBS, and his writings have been featured in medical journals and several online outlets including prominent physician blog Kevin MD, the Religion News Service, and the Huffington Post.