Thinking About a Next World War: 2034 & U.S.-China Conflict
From two former military officers and award-winning authors, a chillingly authentic geopolitical thriller that imagines a naval clash between the US and China in the South China Sea in 2034–and the path from there to a nightmarish global conflagration. 2034 asks the reader evocative questions about how America will fight in the future. What happens in the book is not beyond the realm of possibility. Pearl Harbor, 9/11 and even COVID one could say were failures of imagination – a failure to imagine what could happen and therefore be unprepared for it. Today, imagination is a national security imperative. As such, Ackerman and Stavridis have fired a warning shot for what could happen if current and future administrations do not anticipate future challenges. Join CSPC as we host the authors to discuss this thrilling book and what it suggests about the return of great power competition, escalation, and how the U.S. should think about future conflict.
Elliot Ackerman
Admiral James Stavridis
Former Supreme Allied Commander at NATO